Our climate targets

Climate protection measures are part of our daily work. In line with the International Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), we have committed to implement short-term emission reduction targets across the company by 2030: We aim to reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations, which are included in Scope 1 and 2, by 42 percent. For indirect greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain, Scope 3, our reduction target is 25 percent. These short-term emission reduction targets have been validated after comprehensive review by the Science Based Targets Initiative and are thus in line with the Paris Climate Agreement as science-based climate targets. 

As a family-owned company with a history of more than 100 years, we are committed to sustainability by tradition and by generations. That is why we have set ourselves ambitious targets for our production sites in Polch, Kahla and Wurzen, our subsidiary and along the value chain in order to make our contribution to climate and environmental protection. 

Dany Schmidt, CEO

Climate targets according to the SBTi require a consideration of the entire emissions of a company. Direct emissions in Scope 1 and 2 include the consumption of gas, electricity and fuel at the production sites. We have already started to reduce these CO2 emissions with initial measures: Photovoltaics, LED lighting, heat recovery at the ovens and the optimization of individual machines and processes stand for efficiency increases and CO2 savings. Since 2022, we have been using electricity from renewable sources for our production sites in Polch, Kahla and Wurzen. To achieve the target of 42 percent CO2 reduction by 2030 compared to our base year 2020, further efficiency improvements are planned, which will contribute in limiting the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

Scope 3 combines indirect emissions in the upstream and downstream supply chain, including raw materials and packaging, transport and business travel. Compared to the base year 2020, we aim to reduce emissions by 25 percent by 2030 and actively supports the goal of limiting the temperature increase to "well below 2°C". Raw materials have the greatest potential for reduction. Together with our suppliers, we are striving to reduce the CO2 emissions generated during the cultivation of raw materials by actively promoting regenerative agriculture and the protection of rainforests. In addition, as family-owned company we are increasingly working in the development of enjoyable recipes on a purely plant based basis. For example, crispbreads have already been successfully converted to vegan recipes and fruther vegan product innovaions have been introduced. 

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is a joint initiative of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) that defines methods and criteria for science-based CO2 reduction targets and validates corporate targets. 

Greenhouse gas emissions as CO2 equivalent in kt CO2 eq 

 2020    2022    2023
Scope 122.57218.95819.507
Scope 29.220483399
Scope 3
Upstream Scope 3 emissions 
Downstream Scope 3 emissions 
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