Acting sustainably to achieve big things

Sustainably is firmly rooted in the DNA of Griesson - de Beukelaer. It is our heartfelt wish to achieve things in practice, and thus make a difference. We act out of our convictions and assume responsibility for our products and at our sites. We work together on long-term projects with international non-governmental organisations and public bodies in our neighbourhood.

When it comes to the origin of our raw materials and more sustainable cultivation, we want to know exactly what is going on, and we have already taken some important steps: Cocoa is one of our most important raw materials and is often right at the top of our lists of ingredients. So it is all the more important for us that we buy certified cocoa for our brands according to the mass balance concept in order to support more sustainable farming practices in the origin. With mass balance we guarantee that our used volumes are grown more sustainably on certified farms, even if the cocoa is mixed with uncertified cocoa in the subsequent supply chain. Together with the international independent organisation Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade as well as a member of the Sustainable Cocoa Forum, we ensure that in the countries where cocoa is grown there are environmental standards in force, the cocoa farmers are trained, and better remuneration enables them to live a better life. The Rainforest Alliance certification aims to create a better future for people and nature. For more information see and The certification seals show you which certified raw materials we use for a product and are usually shown on our packaging. 

We are very proud to be the first manufacturer in Germany to buy certified cocoa for all our brands since 2012 according to the mass balance concept in order to support more sustainable farming practices in the origin.

Anja Ibach, Sustainability Management

Palm oil makes our creams especially creamy and our biscuits especially delicious, so it is an important raw material for us, and we want to know where it comes from and how it was grown. Our certifications guarantee transparency right back to the region of cultivation: our palm oil comes 100 percent from sustainable cultivation. As a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP) we make no compromises as far as sustainable palm oil is concerned. Check our progress at So it is especially important to us that the cultivation of palm oil does not harm respect for people and the environment. This includes the responsible development of the cultivation areas, as well as measures to protect the environment and the diversity of species.

The eggs we use for baking are laid by barn-raised hens. We have been committed to controlled and alternative methods of keeping animals since 2007, and for this we were awarded the “golden egg” by the international animal protection organisation Compassion in World Farming.

Naturally our responsibility does not end with our high product standards. For this reason we use recyclable materials for our packaging wherever possible. We use FSC®-certified packaging materials in which the virgin fibre element comes from responsibly managed forests.

There are still things to be done, and we work to ensure we always go one step further than necessary where sustainability is concerned.

Griesson - de Beukelaer sustainability

The future is in our hands

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

We are committed to sustainability: Sustainability and delicious taste have a long tradition at Griesson - de Beukelaer. In our sustainability brochure, we will be happy to show you examples of how we put this into practice.

Our engagement

UN Global Compact unterzeichnet von Griesson - de Beukelaer

UN Global Compact

We have signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) to affirm our commitment to sustainable and responsible corporate governance. We support the ten principles of the UNGC and have established measures and processes for their strategic implementation: upholding human rights, observing labour standards, fighting corruption and complying with environmental standards are a matter of course for us



Quality is something you can taste – but before one of our products can tickle your palate, it is up to us to select the right raw materials, process them safely and pack them sustainably. You can rely on us!

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